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Driving to Disneyland

Dec 25, 2019

Welcome to Disneyland!  Kristen and Catherine zoom around the park to try every snack they could before close!  Join us for peppermint soft serve, rum drinks from California Adventure designed to warm your bones, and the elusive Firefly.  Spicy!

Dec 23, 2019

Everyone has decided to act CRAY this time of year, so let Catherine and Kristen serve you up some sanity with the Driving to Disneyland HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR!  You're gonna get some circus-obsessed Walt Disney history, you'll understand why our hosts have an open relationship Disney-style, and we talk holidays, whether...

Dec 13, 2019

Toot toot, beep beep!  Catherine and Kristen take on the Festival of Holidays, telling you which snacks to taste and which to skip.  Christmas-tree shaped ice cream, tasty morsels and more!  Also: the girls met their style & drinking icons: the elusive Pincesses.

Dec 8, 2019

Kristen and Catherine singlehandedly win the war on Christmas in a special Festival of Holidays episode!  Dive into the deep cuts of Disney+, a review of Frozen 2, and find out exactly how well Catherine's brain works on only one cup of coffee.  Spoiler alert: not well.